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5 Self-Care Ideas for Mother’s Day

May 7

By Jennifer Niggemeier, Waukesha program coordinator

This past year has been a hard one for many mothers. Between work, childcare, virtual learning, and figuring out best ways to keep their families safe, mothers have experienced incredible stress during the pandemic. As the saying goes, you can’t fill from an empty cup, and this Mother’s Day, we want to remind you to make time for yourself.

Here are a few ways to focus on your self-care that won’t hurt your budget: 

1. Spend time in nature

Take some time to unplug and embrace the nice spring weather! Grab a coffee and some sunscreen and walk around your local community. You can also find a nearby hiking trail and do some birdwatching! Either alone or with your family, it’s a great way to get away for an hour.

2. Meditate

Meditating can be a great way to clear your mind of all the things on your to-do list and focus on the present. It helps you manage anxiety and reconnect with yourself! Check out guided meditations on YouTube or apps like HeadSpace and Calm — all of which have a variety of options.

3. Home spa-day

Get those cucumber slices ready! Pick up a fun face mask, a new nail polish, and make yourself a bubble bath (bath bomb optional). If you are feeling creative, here are some fantastic at-home face mask recipes.

 4. Sip and color

Grab your favorite cocktail or mocktail, and that adult coloring book you forgot you had. From swirling gardenscapes to the animal kingdom and Bob Ross, coloring is an excellent and fun way to calm your mind. As Bob Ross said, “You can do anything you want, this is your world.”

 5. Mom’s choice evening

This night is all about you! Mom picks the dinner, the movie, and game, and is not in charge of clean-up. You also have dibs on the best couch spot. After a week of caring for others, you deserve an evening filled with your favorite things and to be treated like the queen you are.

Embracing self-care is important and you deserve it! Don’t feel guilty for taking some time to yourself. You are worth it!

There are many ways to self-care, but the best way is something that makes you feel good. Happy Mother’s Day to all!