Elver Park Neighborhood Center works together with families and the greater community to provide programs and resources that strengthen its southwest Madison neighborhood. Please ring the doorbell at the entry way to the building and a staff member will greet you at the door.

Open to public office hours  |  Monday-Friday, 12-5 p.m.
Resources include free computer lab usage, faxing, and telephone.

Food pantry hours  |  Tuesday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and Thursday, 3-5 p.m.

Joining Forces for Families hours  |  Available by appointment, 608-225-9872

Our ability to give back to the community is made possible by the support from people like you. Your donation makes an impact in the programs and resources Elver Park Neighborhood Center is able to provide. Thanks to you, we can help where it is needed and be prepared for what is to come.

Donate today!

Wisconsin Youth Company provides K-5 and teen after school programs, and K-5 and teen summer camps for those who live in the Elver Park area.

Elver Park Neighborhood Center provides out-of-school time programming for elementary age students who attend Olson Elementary, West Middleton Elementary, and children in grades 5 at Glacier Creek Middle.

Program Hours | Monday 1:30-5:30 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, 3-5:30 p.m.
Program Phone | 608-335-1424

For more information, please contact the administrative office at 608-276-9782 ext. 0

Navigating the bridge of adolescence is an exciting and inquiring time for middle school students. The role of Elver Park Neighborhood Center is to provide social support, guidance, and enrichment experiences to middle school students who live in the Elver Park area. During After School, middle school youth can participate in sports, academic time, and other organized activities all led by caring adult role models.

Program Hours  |  Monday-Thursday, 3:30-7 p.m. & Friday: 3:30-6 p.m.
Program Phone  |  608-622-6719

For more information, please contact 608-492-4169.

Elver Park Neighborhood Center provides an affordable elementary age summer day camp for families living in the Park Edge/Park Ridge neighborhood and surrounding areas on Madison’s west side. Days at summer camp are filled with a variety of projects, outdoor play, and field trips.

Program Hours | Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Program Phone | 608-335-1424

For more information or to register your child, please contact the administrative office at 608-276-9782 ext. 0.

Summer 2025 | Teen

Navigating the bridge of adolescence is an exciting and inquiring time for middle school students. The role of Elver Park Neighborhood Center is to provide social support, guidance, and enrichment experiences to middle school students who live in the Elver Park area. During summer camp, middle school youth can participate in a variety of activities and field trips.

Program Hours | Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Program Phone | 608-622-6719

For more information or to register, please contact 608-492-4169.

Food Pantry Hours  |  Tuesday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. & Thursday, 3-5 p.m.

Please follow these steps when visiting the food pantry:

  • Ring the doorbell and enter through the back door at the handicap entrance.
  • Wait for your turn in the waiting room.
  • Exit and return the wagon at the backdoor.

Learn more about making a donation to the food pantry.

We are excited to offer space for the community to use in our building. Please review the following information on fees and how to reserve a room, kitchen, or gym space for your meeting or event. 

  • Center Business Hours  |  Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Non-Business Hours  |  Monday-Friday, 5-9 p.m. & weekends
  • No space reservations on holidays

Conference room, multipurpose room, and meeting room may be reserved at no cost during center business hours for non-profit organizations or community groups. Reservations may be made during non-business hours for a fee.

Gym and kitchen rooms may be reserved during business and non-business hours for a fee.

  • The gym is not available to be reserved 2-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
  • The kitchen is not available to be reserved 3-7 p.m., Monday-Friday
Space Reservation Request Form

Room fees are per hour  |  Half-hour prorates are not available

Security Deposit | Staff discretion will be used to determine if a security deposit is required based on event details. Factors that determine a security deposit are number of people, time, and risk to the building, materials, or supplies. If a security deposit is required, the deposit must be paid one-week before the event in a money order, cashier’s check, business check, or with a debit or credit card. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Elver Park Neighborhood Center. If the EPNC Facility Use Agreement is violated, EPNC staff reserve the right to terminate your event and/or keep the security deposit.

Questions? | Please contact Jen Weber at 608-492-4169 or email, jweber@wisconsinyouthcompany.org