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Generosity After the Pandemic

March 26

By Emily Wills, fund development coordinator

A rising tide lifts all boats. I think about that saying a lot these days.

With vaccine doses slowly but surely getting administered across the state, a return to normal feels closer than it has in months. In our staff meetings, we’ve each started sharing our hopes for summer and reminiscing about what summers looked like in the before-times.

The pandemic has brought the cracks in our system into sharper focus, which has inspired many to offer a hand to help. I am incredibly grateful to the friends and neighbors who have stepped up to help fill in the gaps. We have received financial contributions, pounds of donated food, school supplies, and resources that have helped our organization continue to serve the children, families, and staff who make up this community.

As we edge closer to a return to normal, I’ve been pondering this rising tide, especially for the children and families whose metaphorical boats will still need a help to stay afloat as we find our way back to “normal.”

I am looking forward to being able to visit with friends and family, attend concerts on the square, sit in restaurants, and go to live events. But I am also hopeful that one thing from this time will remain.

I hope that we will not forget to check the cracks in our system and offer help to the people who need it. I hope we keep in mind that there were people in need before the pandemic and there will be people in need afterwards. I hope the generosity that this past year has inspired does not fade, but continues to grow.

With the wind in our sails, I hope we can all reach a brighter future, together.

Consider donating to help families in our community.