Please note: Tuition assistance is available to eligible families. Learn more.
Update | Madison Schools – MMSD announced this morning a phased return to in-person instruction for grades K-2 beginning March 9 and grades 3-5 in April. We are working closely with MMSD and other providers to finalize details on how best to support children and families with this new change. Please look for an email from once details are finalized. Thank you for your patience as we make these decisions. See updated Virtual School Day programs information below. Wisconsin Youth Company will be offering After School programs at Chavez, Crestwood, Franklin, Leopold, Randall, Shorewood, Stephens, Thoreau, and Van Hise.
Update | Waunakee school district has announced a phased return to in-person instruction for grades K-5. We are working closely with WCSD to finalize details on how best to support children and families with this new change. Please look for an email from once details are finalized.
Wisconsin Youth Company has partnered with Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) to offer virtual school day programs at select MMSD schools. Programs will align with school day schedules and provide support for virtual learning and enrichment programming for grades K-5. The school district is requesting that families only enroll in programs at the school that their child(ren) regularly attends. If there is not a program at your child(ren)’s school, you may register for a program at the school that is most convenient for you. The last day of programs is Friday, April 9.
Wisconsin Youth Company has partnered with Waunakee Community School District to offer half-day and full-day Virtual School Day programs at Heritage Elementary for grades K-6. Programs will align with school day schedules and provide support for virtual learning and enrichment programming.
Virtual School Day programs will be offered at the following Madison schools for grades 3-5: The last day of programs is Friday, April 9.
- Spring Harbor Middle School | 1110 Spring Harbor Dr., Madison
- Wright Middle School | 1717 Fish Hatchery Rd., Madison
Virtual School Day programs will be offered at the following Waunakee school:
- Heritage Elementary | currently full, please check back for updates
Program Hours
- 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. | Spring Harbor, Wright
- Half-day afternoon | 10:20 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Registration is for 5 days per week programming, Monday-Friday
- Partial week registration is not available
- Registration is for 5 days per week, Monday-Friday
- Wednesday enrollment is based on regular half-day afternoon
- Partial week registration is not available
Fees and Payment
- $215, per child, per week
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 1
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 2
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 2_Español
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 3
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 3_Español
- Half-day | $170, per child, per week
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 1
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 2
- 2020-2021 Virtual School Day Programs Payment Schedule Quarter 3
Virtual School Day Program Processing Fee | One-time fee is due at time of registration
- $30 for one child
- $50 for two or more children
All children will be divided into learning pods and have a designated classroom within the school building. Children within the pod are of similar grade level. Children remain with their pod for the entirety of the day including lunch, snacks and outdoor time. Only a limited number of Wisconsin Youth Company staff are allowed to enter each pod in order to limit exposure. School staff, teachers, and aides are not allowed in the pod space for the health and safety of everyone.
Virtual Learning
During assigned virtual learning times, children are expected to remain at their computer or tablet through the entirety of the virtual session. A program leader is assigned to each pod and available to support children during virtual learning as questions arise. Program leaders are not teachers or tutors and will not provide instruction. Wisconsin Youth Company remains a choice-based program and will not require children to do academic work. Program staff create an environment that supports online learning and strongly encourage children to participate in virtual learning activities. During breaks, program leaders guide their group through enrichment and free-choice activities such as arts, STEM projects, active outdoor time and activities that support their social and emotional development.
January 2021
Jan. 25 | Start of third quarter
February 2021
Feb. 26 | No school and no virtual school day program
March 2021
March 19 | No school and no virtual school day program
March 26 | End of third quarter
January 2021
Jan. 25 | Start of third quarter
February 2021
Feb. 26 | No school and no virtual school day program
March 2021
March 19 | No school and no virtual school day program
March 22-26 | Spring Break, No Wisconsin Youth Company Programs
April 2021
April 1 | End of third quarter
April 2 | No school and no virtual school day program
April 5 | No school and no virtual school day program
Please check back for future no school day and Virtual School Day programming updates.
The safety of your child(ren) is our first priority. Wisconsin Youth Company has adopted health and safety protocols to promote a healthy learning environment for all participants.
What you can expect of us:
- Daily health screenings of all staff and children
- Small groups of children that allow for social distancing
- Heightened protocols for cleaning and disinfecting materials and frequent contact surfaces
- Consistent staffing models that limit the number of adults interacting with your child(ren)
- Safety measures for snack and meal times including only individually packaged or single serve snack items
Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).
Q: Who can drop off and pick up children?
A: Following Wisconsin Youth Company policy, children may only be dropped off and picked up from program by authorized pick-up person(s) listed on their registration.
We ask that only one Parent per family at drop-off and pick-up each day. Adult visitors are advised to use caution at drop-off and pick-up at the program. It is not advised that adults over 60 years of age, are pregnant or have underlying health conditions, including those with compromised immune or respiratory conditions enter the program location.
Adults who have symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 48 hours, have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or have returned from travel to areas with community spread of COVID-19 as defined by the CDC in the last 14 days may not visit or pick up/drop off a child at the program location. Independent arrival is not permitted. Independent departure will be permitted.
Q: Will children be required to wear a mask?
A: Under Dane County and Public Health mandates, children will be required to wear masks when in buildings. Please ensure that your child knows how to properly take their mask off and on. Children will not be required to wear masks while participating in outdoor activities as long as social distancing is possible.
Q: Will staff be wearing masks?
A: Following Dane County and Public Health mandated, staff will be provided with PPE available for them to use. All staff will wear masks when indoors. Staff will be asked to maintain social distancing from children as much as possible. Staff will also wear masks while prepping snack or disinfecting materials.
Q: How will children keep cool when wearing a mask indoors?
A: Our staff will coordinate routines with their assigned pods to ensure that time outdoors to allow for mask breaks are built into the daily schedule.
Q: What guidance is Wisconsin Youth Company following?
A: Wisconsin Youth Company has been carefully following requirements and recommendations from the Department of Children & Families, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dane County Public Health and MMSD.
Q: What happens if my child(ren) gets sick while at program?
A: Each program has a designated room available to use in the event that a child gets sick. If your child(ren) becomes ill at program, they will be isolated in this room with a program staff. We will ask your child(ren) continue to wear a mask and staff will wear PPE. Staff will call for immediate pick-up. Please ensure that your child(ren) is picked up as soon as possible.
Q: What happens if there is a confirmed COVID-19 case at program?
A: In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case at program (child or staff), Wisconsin Youth Company will immediately inform Dane County Public Health and follow their guidance.
Q: What should I do if my child(ren) has a confirmed case of COVID-19?
A: If your child(ren) has/have a confirmed case of COVID-19, please contact our administrative office immediately via phone at 608-276-9782 ext.0.
Q: If I have to withdraw my child(ren) from program because they are sick or a family member is sick, will I receive my money back?
A: Yes, in the event that you have to withdraw your child(ren) from program due to illness, you will receive a credit on your account. If you would like a refund, you can request that through the administrative office.