Weekly Field Trip Schedule
- Monday, March 30 | Boulders Climbing Gym, Madison
- Tuesday, March 31 | MacKenzie Center, Poynette
- Wednesday, April 1 | Chula Vista Waterpark, WI Dells
- Thursday, April 2 | State Capitol & Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison
- Friday, April 3 | Urban Air Adventure Park, Madison
Thank you for choosing Wisconsin Youth Company’s (WYC) Wander Wisconsin Spring Break Adventure Trips! We’re excited for you to join us for a safe, enriching and fun spring break experience. Below is important information that will help you and your student get ready for some great adventures!
Wander Base Camp Location
Thoreau Elementary | 3870 Nakoma Rd., Madison
Please park in the parking lot located on the back side of the school building, off of Cherokee Drive. Enter through the doors with Wander Wisconsin signage. Follow the signs to Wander base camp.
Wander Hours
Wander hours are 7:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Before trip activities are available from 7:30-8 a.m. and after trip activities are available from 5-5:45 p.m. The group will be departing for their field trip by 8 a.m. and returning by 5 p.m.
All participants must be dropped off by 8 a.m. and picked up by 5:45 p.m.
Arriving to Wander
- Sign-in is between 7:30-8 a.m. Trips depart promptly at 8 a.m. Transportation will not be held for late arrivals.
- If your child regularly attends before and/or after school and they have a medication at program, after school staff will provide you with their medication to transfer to Wander Wisconsin. The medication will then be transferred for you back to your after school program location after spring break.
- If your child will be bringing any additional medications to program, have those packed separately and give them directly to a staff member. (Please note: medications must be labeled properly and in the original container, and must have a corresponding authorization to administer medication form on file.)
- A staff member will show your child where to put their belongings
- Sign-out is between 5-5:45 p.m. When you sign your child out, staff may ask to see photo I.D.
What to Bring
Please bring the following items each day, labeled with your child’s name:
- Boots, coat, hat and gloves (if temperature is below 40 degrees), light jacket, and sturdy gym shoes
- Bag lunch on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- Swimsuit, towel and swim shirt on Wednesday
- Water bottle
- A book or game to use while in the van. Cell phones and tablets are allowed during van transportation. These devices must be put away during all other times.
- An extra set of clothing is recommended, but not required
Wisconsin Youth Company (WYC) is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property, including clothing. Children are discouraged from bringing items beyond what is needed for the day.
Daily Sign-In/Out & Attendance
Parents are required to sign their child(ren) in and out of program, daily. The arrival and departure authorizations for regular school days are superseded with Wander Wisconsin. Late pick-up and early drop-offs will incur additional fees.
Please call the 24-hour attendance message line (608-276-9898) if your child will be absent. Please call before 7:30 a.m. if the message pertains to that day. Adventure Trips take place off-site and transportation will leave promptly at the start of the program. Transportation will not be held for late arrivals.
Snack and Lunch
It’s very important that children start each day with a good breakfast prior to their adventure trip, and bring a nutritious and satisfying lunch when required. Sack lunches must not require refrigeration or microwaving. A morning and afternoon snack will be provided. Some children have life-threatening allergies (like a peanut or tree nut allergy). For this reason, WYC requests that children bring a nut-free lunch. All snacks served are nut-free.
Children will be active from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. You are welcome to send additional snacks with your child in case they become hungry. All items should be nut-free and not require refrigeration.
Pizza will be provided for lunch on Wednesday and Friday while at Chula Vista Waterpark and Urban Air Adventure Park.
Wander T-shirts
On your child’s first day of attendance, they will receive a Wander Wisconsin t-shirt. This sport shirt is made of wicking material and may be worn in the water. Participants must wear their Wander shirts when swimming. The shirts are used to identify children in the water.
Your child’s activities may require program specific WYC release, waiver of liability and assumption of risk form(s), a third party vendor waiver or both, if applicable. Children may not attend program until the WYC waiver liability/risk form and/or vendor wavier(s) are complete and on file in the administrative office.
Your child will be attending a field trip to a waterpark. Safety is our first priority and aquatic supervision is maintained by Lifeguard Certified Wander Wisconsin staff in addition to facility lifeguards. (Please note: Wander Wisconsin staff members reserve the right to decrease participant swimming levels at any time.)
Wander Wisconsin Trip Leaders
Children will be supervised by WYC Wander Wisconsin Trip Leaders. Trip leaders receive training prior to the start of program. All trip leaders hold current CPR/First Aid/AED training. When attending water parks, at least one staff is also lifeguard certified. Trip leaders have a background in outdoor and/or recreational youth programming with experience leading youth on field trips.
Changing Account Information
Written notification is required to make any changes to your account information (i.e. phone numbers, pick-up persons, emergency contacts, participant swim level, etc.). An email from the email address on file is sufficient. Your account password is required to make changes