Thank you for choosing Wisconsin Youth Company School Year Programs!  

Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).  

Wisconsin Youth Company is proud to continue our relationship with the Madison Metropolitan School District to provide on-site after school programming. Please carefully review all tabs on this webpage prior to your first day of school. 

Franklin Elementary School  |  305 W. Lakeside St., Madison

  • After School Program Cell Phone  |  608-445-8028
  • After School Program Hours  |  Monday 1:10-5:45 p.m., Tuesday-Friday 2:30-5:45 p.m.
    • Please note: program will not be offered on mid-day release and no school days. 
  • 2024-2025 Program Calendar 
  • After School Program Location  |  Gymnasium – The entrance to program is located at the front of the school near the main office (Door #2).
Meet the Staff  
  • Program Supervisor |   Taylor Zimmerman
  • Group Leaders  |  Nyla, Maria
  • Lead Program Manager  | Stephany Aimeé

All staff have education and/or experience related to working with children. They receive training prior to the start of the school year and are certified in first aid and CPR. All program staff receive additional training with updated health & wellness and cleaning & sanitation protocols.  

What to Bring 
  • Extra set of clothing, as needed 

Please do not send your child with any unnecessary items. Toys or other items from home will not be permitted. Wisconsin Youth Company is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property, including clothing.  

Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).  

After School Pickup 
  • Parents will text or call the program phone 608-445-8028 upon arriving to program. Staff will have Parent 1 and 2 phone numbers programmed into their cell phone. To verify the phone numbers listed on your account please contact Staff will have children clean up, gather belongings, and exit the program space through Door #2 unless picking directly up from the playground. Parents should meet their child(ren) outside the exit door. Please note all children must be marked as independent departure.
  • If your child(ren) has not exited the school 5 minutes after your text, please text again or call the program phone. 
  • If a different pre-authorized pick-up person is planning to pick-up from After School, please notify our administrative office or the site directly.  
Daily Activities  
  • Wisconsin Youth Company staff will create weekly lesson plans tiered to the children’s interests . 
  • Our program helps children discover new opportunities through our choice-based curriculum.   
  • Within the daily activities, children will have a chance to participate in STEM, art projects, community building games, and other various hands–on activities to expand their developmental growth. Along with developing important life skills such as language, social and emotional skills.  
  • There will be time for daily outdoor recreation (weather permitted) where children will participate in group games and explore the playground. 
  • Children are also provided the opportunity to complete homework.  
  • An afternoon snack will be provided 
  • All snacks served at program are nut-free 
  • Milk will also be served 
  • Please see the Wisconsin Youth Company Program Handbook for more details about snack 
  • Signed paperwork is required for children to participate in an extracurricular activity during after school hours. If your child will be participating in an extracurricular, please contact our registration team at to complete the required paperwork prior to the first day of the extracurricular activity. 

Greetings families!

In November, we completed projects around monsters (clay, yarn, and Rice Krispie monsters), fall (wooden bracelets, hedgehogs, button collages, cheese and cracker pumpkin pie), sensory (stress balls, cloud dough), and random fun (pizza bagels, friendship mix). Thanks to all who attended our Books and Cookies Family Night! Hope you were all able to read a good book and enjoy a sweet treat!

In December, we hope to get into the winter and holiday spirit with activities such as fruit skewers, cookie decorating, mitten craft, moon rocks, homemade cards, snowflakes, treasure hunt, etc.


Project Spotlight: Pumpkin Pie Cheese and Crackers


  • Triscuit Thin Crisps 
  • Chicken in a Biskit  
  • Light Cream Cheese (whipped) 
  • Block(s) of Cheddar Cheese (other cheese optional) 
  • Disposable Decorating Bag 
  • Size 21 Decorating Tip  


  • Put the decorating tip in the decorating bag and snip the top. Fill with cream cheese and close tightly with a rubber band.
  • Cut triangles from the block of cheese to fit on a Triscuit thin crisp.
  • Use the cream cheese in the decorating bag to dab a bit of cream cheese on a Triscuit and place the cheddar triangle on top. Dab a little bit on the bottom half of a Chicken in a Biskit cracker and attach to one end.
  • Pipe a dollop of cream cheese on top for “whipped cream.”
Get To Know Staff

Favorite winter activity:

  • Nyla (grades K-1): Skiing, watching Home Alone and other holiday movies
  • Maria (grades 1-2): Making cookies with mom and brother
  • Taylor (grades 2-5): Reading a good book or watching holiday movies
Summer Registration Update

We are excited to announce a change in registration for Summer 2025. Families who are currently enrolled in Wisconsin Youth Company After School programs for the 2024-2025 School Year will have priority enrollment. You will have the opportunity to register for Summer Day Camp, Wander Wisconsin, and Theater Immersion camp programs before registration opens to the general public. Registration for Middle School U will open in March. Additional information will be sent to families via email. For more details, visit the registration page.

  • No After School:
  • Report absences by calling or texting the Attendance Message Line at 608-276-9898
  • Program cell phone number: 608-445-8028
  • If you’d like to contact me with concerns or questions, please feel free to email me at 
  • Pokémon Mondays are back! Children can bring cards on Mondays each week.
  • Have kids wear/bring layers to After School as the temperature changes greatly throughout this time of year. See our weather chart below for more information. 
Weather Guidelines

This chart shows what children need to wear when programs go outside.

Photo Gallery

Lead Program Manager

Stephany Aimeé is the lead program manager for After School at Franklin Elementary. Please feel free to reach out to Stephany if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding program. She is available by email at: or by phone at 608-445-8011.

Please note: Families are varied and the use of the word Parent(s) refers to the adult(s) who are responsible for the child(ren).  

Site Cell Phone Number: 608-445-8028  |  This number can be used to call or text Wisconsin Youth Company staff at your child(ren)’s location during program hours. Please note that staff are engaged with children during program hours and may not be able to answer. Please leave a message and they will get back to you.  

24-Hour Attendance Message Line:  608-276-9898  |  Please text or call the message line when your child(ren) will be absent from program. All absences must be reported. Please include your child(ren)’s name, program, and the date(s) of absence.  

Administrative Office: 608-276-9782 ext. 0  |  If you need immediate assistance, please contact our administrative office. Our administrative office can also assist you with your registration questions.  

Wisconsin Youth Company Email:   |  To communicate with our administrative or registration team or if you have questions regarding your account please send us an email. 

Lead Program Manager: Stephany Aimeé | Please feel free to reach out to Stephany if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding program. She is available by email at: